Friday, November 13, 2015

I Change Not!

Since the fall of man in the garden, things started changing from perfect to imperfect. 

I was thinking today on the things in life that change:
Seasons Change
Leaves Change
Weather Changes
Time Changes
Jobs Change
Buildings Change
Homes Change
People Change
Age Changes

Even those things in life that seem to be constant can change in an instant.

Just last weekend, we remembered the passing of a loved one. Death changed that constant!

Those people in our lives that have always been there are taken home to glory and our lives are forever changed!

Maybe a home that you've lived in much of your lifetime can be taken in an instant by fire causing your living situation to change!  
Maybe an illness keeps you from doing something you've always done. Causing your lifestyle and habits to change!

Like that time you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and your life was FOREVER and ETERNALLY CHANGED!  AMEN!!!!

Today,  in the spirit of Thanksgiving,  I thank God for salvation. I thank Him for His word.  His truth.  His Grace.  His Mercy.  His Hope.  His Blood. His Presence.  His Peace. Always!

And, specifically today, I thank Him for His Consistency

Malachi 3:6 "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."

He changes not!

When everything around you is changing, He changes not

When life is hard,  He changes not

When troubles come, He changes not

He will always be the same!  He Changes 

He will always be a shoulder to lean on,  He changes not.

He will always show compassion, He changes not! 

What is changing in your life today? Remember, He changes not! 

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